
This site is published by the company BUREAU-HOTEL Limited liability company, registered with the trade and companies register, whose head office is located in AUBAGNE (France).

415 Avenue des Templiers, P.A de Napollon
13400 AUBAGNE (France)
Code APE : 4759 A
N° SIRET 53203631 00026
N° TVA CEE : FR 5353203631600018



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97-97 bis rue du général Mangin
38100 GRENOBLE (France)
Code APE : 6202 A
N° SIRET 451878128 00037
N° TVA intracommunautaire : FR32451878128


Creation and development

This site is created and developed by the company MyComCompagny Aix-en-Provence
In addition to the products that the company BUREAU-HOTEL sells

Intellectual property

The Site is a work of the mind protected by law. Its contents, including texts, illustrations, photographs and presentations are strictly reserved under copyright and intellectual property rights. The same is true of the database contained on the Site.


Personal data

The nominative data collected from Internet users via a form on are intended for the company BUREAU-HOTEL and can not, under any circumstances, be transmitted, free of charge or expensive, to third persons physical or moral.

In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you may at any time object to the collection of data by BUREAU-HOTEL, access personal information about you and held by BUREAU-HOTEL, request their modification or deletion by sending your request in writing to the following address :

415 Avenue des Templiers, P.A de Napollon
13400 AUBAGNE (France)


Exemption from technical liability

BUREAU-HOTEL undertakes to make its best efforts so that the website is accessible at any time.

Nevertheless, BUREAU-HOTEL declines any responsibility in case of difficulty of access to its site or interruptions in the connection, whatever the causes.

In particular, BUREAU-HOTEL reserves the right to make any changes to the site that it deems useful, and without prior warning and even if access to the site is consequently interrupted.

In addition, BUREAU-HOTEL can not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, including inaccessibility to the site, loss of data, damage, destruction or viruses that could affect your computer equipment, and / or the presence of virus on his site.

You acknowledge having verified that the computer configuration used contains no viruses and is in perfect working order.


Applicable law

The content of this site is governed by French law.

© 2019 – BUREAU-HOTEL All rights reserved